M o r e   T h a n   T y p i n g

These options are for Day Traders. Specifically those that use special key combinations to process stock market orders. These might be keys like "SOES Market Sell" or "Island Buy". In addition there are many scenario tests predefined to practice your Level2 analysis.

Basic Trader
For beginners. You can get your keyboarding skills up to speed very quickly. Save your self big $$$$...avoid errors. The object is always to buy/sell/short 200 shares. Includes SOES, Island, Selectnet and Instinet keys pre-configured. Check the custom keys to ensure keys are set properly then go to town. Includes many pre-built tests for you to use. Comes with over 100 pre-built scenarios for level 2. All are currently fraction. Decimal version coming soon. To install unzip and then run setup.exe.

Additional Pictures #1
30 Level 2 screen snapshots. 211kb download...9.6mb disk space. Pictures you can use to create your own scenarios. They are not included above. All are high quality and in decimal format.
To use these pictures download them and unzip to a temporary folder. Then using MTT create at least one scenario question per picture. MTT will automatically import the file. You can then use each picture to create as many questions as you like. We create at least 3 scenarios from each picture(Buy, Sell and Short the stock). Delete the temporary folder when done.

Additional Pictures #2
30 Level 2 screen snapshots. 208kb download...9.6mb disk space. Even more pictures you can use to create your own scenarios. Use same procedure as above images to install.