M o r e   T h a n   T y p i n g

Software Groups & Images

These are for various software...

Google Chrome(162kb)
Virtually all the shortcuts that are available in Google Chrome V3 are defined. This group will be of value to anyone surfing with Chrome on Linux or Windows. The first test will probably show you shortcuts you did not know exist. To install unzip to the MTT installtion folder(default C:/Program Files/MTT). Once unzipped restart MTT to detect the new group.

Internet Explorer(732kb)
Virtually all the shortcuts that are available in Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE). This group will be of value to anyone surfing with IE. The first defined test will probably show you shortcuts you did not know exist. Did you know pressing "Ctrl+Enter" when in the address field will automatically fill in the "http://www." prefix and the ".com" suffix? Type "google" in the address field and press "Ctrl+Enter". To install unzip and run setup.exe.

TradeCast or other Day Trading Options
Go to this page if you are a Day Trader of Equities. In particular those that trade using Level 2 screens. Mutiple items just for Day Traders. Although these were defined for TradeCast software they apply to many trading platforms. Be careful to verify the keys are defined the same as yours before using these to practice. You can always adjust them.